I love „Los vino” (Otros Aires)! I’ve been
hooked on it for quite a while now. I mean I had it as a ringtone for a year, I
get thrilled at the sound of it, or the sound of anything similar... I listened
to its lyrics, I know it by heart : ) I dance and sing it anytime and anywhere!
These 2 lines stuck with me from the beginning:
'Su abrazo en mis manos era un pincel/ y la pista un liezo' (her embrace in my
arms was like a brush/ and the dance floor a canvas)
How beautiful the idea that she – in his arms –
can become the reflection of a painting on the dance floor! So, for a while, in
Saturday’s milonga, I’ve watched the feet of the dancers differently, following
the beautiful drawings they leave on the floor, the elegance of their sliding,
how they complement one another on music…

Yesterday as I was sitting on a bench in the
bus stop, under the moonlight, just after sunset, earplugs on, I hear – by
shuffle’s choice – „Los vino”. A smile bloomed on my face and I „disappeared”
for a couple of minutes from the station into a perfect dance, somewhere on a
wooden dance floor of a fairytale milonga. This time the trigger was another
line of the song: 'pero entre tanda y tanda/ dejo su ombligo junto a mi cuerpo'
(but between tandas she kept her navel close to my body).
Flash back: year 2009; some tango festival; me –
having just entered my second year of tango – am invited to dance; him – an
experienced tanguero; me – posing into an innocent „blank mind”-like
attitude... : D
I wish I could describe the preparation of the
embrace and the creation of the connection! But I could only manage to explain
its mechanics and that’s not the point.
I remember these:
- we didn’t step at the first sounds of the
song; we just took the time to know each other and we abandoned ourselves to
the music and the connection; its preparation and creation forever marked my
life as a tanguera
- I felt that all my worries melted in the
comfort of the embrace and I surrendered in his arms without any doubt that it
was the right thing to do
- the first 2 songs were CAMINAR! What a divine
caminar!... the communication was so intense that we didn’t let go of the
embrace, not even in between the songs. We just waited patiently, connected
heart to heart, to embark on the waves of the next song
- at the end of the tanda he led my back to my
seat, me – dizzy and euphoric. I had just finished the tanda of my life so far!
The feeling of pure happiness resembled a lot to
the feeling of falling in love (but it’s not that, though…)
Of course, one could „blame it” on his
Something alike just happened to me again a few
weeks ago! And this time – surprise! – with a 4 months beginner…
I could smell something from the way he invited
me to dance… Ok, I’m kidding! I had no preparation whatsoever for what was
going to happen! But I had my first clue as soon as he embraced me. We just
stood there during the first sounds, building the connection, calming the
emotions. Then we took off to a caminar that was stunningly similar to the one
I had imprinted in my memory from that festival back in 2009.
It was an entire tanda of caminar and I dare
place it before any other tanda filled with dangerous words like gancho, boleo,
planeo, quebrada, cunita, volcada, colgada… : ) For the simple reason that I
felt that univers – incredibly comfortable and full of sensations, born from
the connection of hearts. I only wish it wouldn’t have been interrupted in
between the songs ; )
One thing is certain, though: it really does
feel very much like falling in love! : )
And I find that this happiness is one of the
most valuable gifts we can give to each other through tango.
And no! It’s not just from... los vino... : )