Wednesday, February 11, 2015

‘’I’m a believer’’ - Interview Lucia and Deniz (article published in Gancho, October 2013)

Motto: “We teach best what we most need to learn.” (Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah)

I’ve met Lucia and Deniz through a Facebook group called Tango accommodation exchange (thank you, Luciana, for the initiative!). They were coming to a tango event in Bucharest and looking for a place to stay, so they ended up sharing our apartment with me, my roommate and 3 cats. And, yes, they survived! : )

The first thing that came to my mind when I met them in person was ‘’My God, they are made for each other!’’. I was surprised (in a most pleasant way) to see such a compact, easy going, fun and beautiful couple. Now, you may think I’m buttering them up, but wait until you read their story and meet them for yourself.

We spent an entire weekend together and it felt like we’ve known each other a life time. I’ve listened to their amazing story, I loved it, it made me believe that fairy tales are still possible and I’m happy that they agreed to share some of it with all of us.

Here goes (I have to mention that Lucia and Deniz answered separately to these questions, therefore it’s a surprise they made each other):

Corina: What led you to tango? Why Tango?

Lucia: It is funny, because I really don’t know why tango! I wanted to dance, I missed dancing since I’ve had to finish dancing ballroom dancing because of my high-school. I wanted to dance something, anything, the only condition was – it should be a dance without a partner : ) I knew how hard these relationships could be, so I wanted to avoid it from the beginning. Finally I ended up in a tango class, please don’t ask me why! : )

Deniz: Tango music, without knowing anything about it - other than my father`s old Turkish tango LPs. I was listening to the music and I tried once to dance but it did not go well at that time (in Istanbul). Then 5 years passed and I started to dance in Bratislava, Slovakia. A few trials in few weeks till I found Lucia and then we started together. Tango was waiting for us.

C: How did you two meet?

L: In our first tango class. A friend helped to arrange our meeting, because we both were looking for a dance partner.

D:  In our first lesson on 2nd December day ; ) I was sitting in the only local milonga when a lady approached me asking why I am sitting. I said I don`t have a partner and I am a beginner (I was too shy to say I can`t dance yet). She was surprised and she said “I will find you a partner” and few weeks later she called me saying she has a beautiful partner for me. She found me Lucia ; )

C: What was your first ‘tango crush’ experience like?

L: I didn’t experience a tango crush. I’ve met Deniz in the first tango class of my life, and at that time it wasn’t a crush, because I didn’t know anything about the embrace back then. I think a tango crush can come only with a nice embrace. Besides, I am not allowed to talk about tango crushes anymore... : D

D: I can`t say I had a tango crush – with your terms in your last article. My crush in tango was different. I had just finished a long-term (10 years) relationship before I started tango and met Lucia. Tango was the white light at the end of the tunnel, after the crush in my private life. It fitted me a lot: Tango is including regrets, love, heartbreaks, being homeless and away, loneliness, hope, beginnings… Whatever I was feeling that time was in tango ; )

C: What was the most difficult tango-related decision you had to make?

L: Good question! Actually, there were no difficult decisions since I have tango in my life. Everything seems to go smoothly, as it should... Things evolve naturally. Maybe one thing: when we’ve decided to teach tango. It was a hard decision for me, not based on our enormous experience or perfect dancing, but on the fact, that we want to give to people „our” tango, the way we see and feel it. It is a kind of mission we feel we have to accomplish here and now.

D: I think the most difficult was/is to start teaching tango. We know we are not 100% ready to teach as we are in our learning curve but on the other hand, we also know that if we want to expand tango in Bratislava and have a nice community, we have to. Our friends encouraged us, people started to come and asked to teach and Christine Denniston was telling in her book “I started to teach not because I know everything but I know little bit more than others… Today all over the world there are people starting to teach because they know little bit more”. And we met our mentors Mariana and Dimitris who supported us a lot.
All encouraged us and we made this decision which was really hard and took almost 1 year to decide and be ready.

C: What is your happiest memory in your tango life so far?

L: That I found tango... somehow it came into my life, my world and changed it totally. I am happy just to have it! And also the moment we have discovered Tango Natural in Belgrade and then continued to meet wonderful people, including you! These all are happiest memories!

D: Happiest memory yet to come. But I think I was feeling very happy when I was in Belgrade Encuentro for the first time to see that tango is something much more than what I knew, more social, sharing, full of love and friendship. Let me be the romantic side of the couple: I am always the happiest guy when I embrace and dance with Lucia.

C: How do you manage the idea that your partner has such intense feeling in somebody else’s arms?

L: I also do J, so I wish the same for him. I think it is good. It’s strange, but I am not jealous, we even talk about the feelings we had in a milonga. Maybe later there will be a kind of emotion that I will be jealous of... If I thought of this kind of embraces in connection with my man in the past, I would be jealous for sure, but now I am not.

D: Once I heard it from Sebastian which is fitting the definition a lot. When you dance with a woman, you don`t dance with that woman only but also you dance with your love, wife, girlfriend, sister, mum. Simply she is all the women of your life, represented in that woman in your embraces. It is same for the other side. To know this and understanding it make you see tango different. So she is also dancing with me even if she is in somebody else`s arms. (fuhaaa, such a tricky question it was : D )

C: What does tango mean for you now?

L: My life!

D: Tango is life, life is tango. TangoVida : )

C: What’s the story of ‘Gancho’? How did you get the idea to make a magazine? Why the name ‘Gancho’?

L: It was Deniz’s idea, he is the initiator of such activities in our couple. I am the doubtful one, especially in the beginning. He is hot blooded : ) We decided to do something for our small community, to let it know more about tango. It was a very innocent start, we just wrote a few articles related to tango, collecting information basically on the internet. Later, we’ve started to add some personal experience from tango travels, interviews etc. Then, our dear friends gave it a real drive and we have our new web-based version, which we are really proud of.
Regarding the name, I hope Deniz will answer. I had doubts again, especially, because I am translating gancho into Slovak and my „hard times” started with the name... : )

D: After first Belgrade Encuentro, we started to feel that tango is all about sharing so we need to contribute this sharing as well. We can`t only take but we need to give. When we look around we saw that there are magazines on local levels but nothing in English international in gancho`s concept. We said let`s start with baby steps, let`s make a simple pdf e-magazine which people can read or print and put on their tables during milongas and people may enjoy it. It should be the only allowed gancho in a milonga : D Name of gancho represents this fact: hooking people to each other and hooking them to tango. So gancho is touching all parts of tango (fashion, dance, music, CDs, books, travel, people, DJing etc.) and hooking people together.

C: Where do you see ‘Gancho’ in another year?

L: We do not make further plans, we will continue to try to give our best and manage it time wise and make it interesting and attractive and, at the same time, instructive. And of course, we want to reach more people.

D: We started gancho in English and in Slovak (to be responsible to the community we are in). Thanks to our friends Andreea and Andrei to open our minds and carry the target- bar higher. We had a big step change on our e-magazine concept. We have switched to web format after 1 year, but still we keep our pdf format (may be little bit limited version) in a new template. We started to use more visual e-mail letters.
What is next? Target is to be globally local. So we will have local volunteer authors who will maintain local news, translations and events, in parallel global concept will continue. Now we are 5 people and we hope to be more. So next 12 months you may see the link ganchoRomania, ganchoSlovakia, ganchoTURK, ganchoITALY links on  So this is an open invitation for everyone who wants to join us ; )

C: What are your plans for the future?

L: Tango, tango and more tango. And to find a way, how to be able to travel more for tango : ). No seriously, my inner wish is to enlarge our community and to have a nice group of people who love tango, who will feel tango and dance it with their hearts, so that every milonga will be a pleasure and people abroad will like to come here to dance with our tangueros and tangueras and it will fill their embraces with love and the feeling, that life is worth it. I became more romantic after meeting Deniz...

D: We want that gancho will be the unofficial GLOBAL TANGO E-MAGAZINE for everyone where they think first gancho when it is said tango magazine and where they want to take place in one of the news ; ) We have a dream.

C: Any word of advice for tango dancers and your readers?

L:  Always do what you feel in your heart, be it dancing, working, loving, whatever. Follow your intuition, only then life makes real sense. And regarding tango: try to feel tango rather than learn some steps or sequences. When you manage to feel tango, it will create sequences of its own, you will be wondering...

D: I cannot give any advice. The biggest support and gift for us that they read gancho and give us feedbacks to improve it to a better level and help us to spread it by inviting their friends to subscribe us. Just print few copies every month to leave on your milonga tables so that people can read us more. Be a part of gancho-team, by writing, reading, spreading. Thank you for the interview.

When they told me their story I learned that true love is still likely to happen in our days (and listen to me: when you meet them, ask them to tell it! It’s worth it!). Then, as they were going on about their plans with Gancho and their plans with TangoVida – the school – I knew that the passion inside both of them is something I want to honor.  I learned that in life, as well as in tango, everything is better done passionately and in two : )

So, dear readers... what have you learned?...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Extazul... din fundul gradinii

sau Cum am dat eu de cap catorva frustrari de-ale mele
sau Respectul meu pentru lideri

Am avut in ultima vreme discutii foarte interesante despre intamplari pe pista de dans la tango (si pe langa ea)! E un aer tensionat in care mai multi followeri isi dau la iveala frustrarile. Acuma, nah, fiecare cauta sa-si spuna of-ul, poate-poate li-l rezolva cineva. Altcineva decat ele insele, evident... Nu zic ca e neaparat un lucru rau sa expui puncte de vedere, ca mai vine unu-altu si-ti mai spune parerea lui si mai inveti cate ceva. Partea mai putin placuta e ca nu se invata mai nimic pana la coada.

Acu', intaratata putin de toate astea, imi dau si io cu parerea, chiar daca nu o cere nimeni :) Dar nu oblig pe nimeni sa o citeasca (zic de la inceput, sa stiti).

Eu cred ca tangoul nu e usor! Cere mult de la o persoana - fie ea barbat sau femeie. Cere rabdare - iar majoritatea vrem ca lucrurile sa fie invatate ieri! Cere atitudine autentica - iar noi suntem obisnuiti cu mastile, cu falsul, cu pacaleala (in primul rand fata de noi insine. Ce ne mai place sa ne mintiiiim!). Cere respect! Iar noi am cam uitat ce inseamna notiunea cu adevarat. Cere sa ne exprimam pe noi insine - asta inseamna ca o femeie sa fie femeie, cu atributii si atribute feminine (ca ne sta bine!), iar un barbat sa fie barbat, cu tot tacamul. Cere sa ne uitam la noi, in noi in primul rand, si sa acceptam acele tare (cele mai adanci, ca asa e amuzant) pe care le-am bagat sub pres si nici ca mai indraznim sa le scoatem de-acolo sa le curatam. Tangoul e transformator, iar asta nu e simplu deloc!

Am citit zilele trecute postul Florinei (Florencia Floramor): "NU ESTI UNA DIN FERICITELE CARE DANSEAZA DE LA INCEPUT? Sugestii pentru followeri incepatori/intermediari", post care mie mi-a placut extram de mult si care pune degetul pe multe rani cauzate ce cele mentionate mai sus. Din pacate, observ ca ce spune Flori acolo e inteles gresit. De ce? Presupun ca din cauza frustrarilor personale si a inchistarii perceptiei provocata de ele.

Fetelor (indiferent de apartenenta, varsta, conceptii, orientari etc)! Nimeni nu va face/cauzeaza nimic daca voi nu permiteti. Suna dur, stiu. Inca as vrea sa intelegeti prin asta partea mai subtila. A nu permite nu inseamna a te lupta cu ceva/cineva ca sa iasa cum vrei tu. A nu permite inseamna a te schimba/transforma pe tine ca sa-ti fie tie BINE! Vreti sa fiti dansate? Atitudinea voastra dicteaza rezultatele in acest sens. Iar ceea ce (cred) ca spunea si Flori in articolul ei este ca a zambi, a fi mai indulgenta si intelegatoare, a tacea cand trebuie sau a vorbi cand trebuie, a te plimba prin sala sa te dezmortesti etc este, pe langa o dovada de diplomatie si inteligenta, si modul in care veti ajunge la acele rezultate cautate de voi: sa fiti dansate. Ca, hai sa fim seriosi (serioase), asta vrem, nu??? Si daca o faceti fals, daca stati pe margine cu zambetul inghetat pe buze (ca asa ati cititi ca trebuie sa zambiti, dar n-o simtiti nici macar in varful firului de par), SE SIMTE. Suntem niste "animale foarte sensibilicioase", dupa cum spunea o foate buna prietena. Simtim ce se transmite dincolo de masca. Pana la urma e esenta tangoului, nu?

Si daca nu va iese, dar vreti (chiar vreti!!) sa va iasa, e o vorba: fake it, until you make it! Si asta nu e deloc un lucru rau, iar in acest sens va recomand un clip TED care v-ar putea ajuta sa intelegeti unde bat: "Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are". Incercati. E numai spre binele vostru. Altfel o sa cautati extazul... din fundul gradinii. Si ramaneti numai cu frustrarea... Si spun asta nu din carti, ci din experienta personala, ca nu!, nu sunteti primele sau singurele care trec prin asa ceva. Si, daca va doriti, se "vindeca" :)

Si am mai observat o tendinta la acesti followeri: nu vor sa se schimbe ei, dar pretind puternic sa se schimbe liderii. Sa faca ei mai mult, sa inteleaga cat de greu le e sa stea pe margine nedansate, sa ia atitudine! Acuma, cred ca e inutil sa mai spun (dar o spun, ca cine stie...): nu putem schimba pe nimeni in afara de noi insine! E ineficient sa incercam sa-i schimbam pe ceilalti. Vreti rezultate, puneti mana - respectiv ochiul - si uitati-va la voi, fara ochelari roz, si schimbati ce nu va place. Testati macar, nu vreau sa ma credeti pe mine pe cuvant. Cand o sa stati pe margine si-o sa va simtiti bine zambind (pentru ca... nu stiu... e muzica buna, oamenii arata frumos pe pista, sunteti relaxate etc), veti incepe sa fiti invitate.

Iar daca nici asta nu va place, am o propunere: luati o pauza de la a fi followeri. Faceti macar 6 luni cursuri de leading, constiincios asa. Mergeti la practici si milongi si intrati pe pista. Dansati cu followeri - cu toti! Si dupa aia povestit-ne si noua cat de simplu e sa fii lider, cat de usor e sa inviti toate fetele, cum nu aveti preferinte in a dansa cu unii followeri si cu altii nu. Si cat de amuzant e ca followerii sa aiba pretentii de la voi in a dansa cu voi, in a face una si alta dupa cum le place lor. Si cat sunteti dispusi - ca lideri - sa va schimbati pentru un follower sau altul (mai ales pentru cei cu care nu ati dansat, sau nu va trage ata sa dansati).

Eu am testat o vreme cum e sa conduci in tango si de atunci am tot respectul pentru ce inseamna sa fii lider in tango! TOT RESPECTUL!

Spun toate asta din post de follower care nu e dansat foarte mult. Dar si asta e relativ. Ce inseamna foarte mult pana la urma? Si-apoi sunt zile si zile, practici si practici, milongi si milongi... Uneori stau toata seara sau am 1 tanda, alteori dansez trei sferturi de seara... Dar imi asum, depinde de mine, de energia cu care vin acolo si de ce transmit. Am invatat (destul de "the hard way") asta si mi-e mie mult mai bine asa.

Si daca nici asta nu va place... ce va mai face sa dansati?... 

Si o ultima vorba "de duh": deschideti ochii si inima, schimbati perspectiva! Altfel ramaneti in cercul vicios al propriilor pareri si frustrari, iar asta face rau - voua in primul rand! E o vorba care-mi place mie mult: "energy flows where attention goes". Asadar, canalizati-va energia pe pozitiv, pe ce va place, la voi si la tango. Nu v-o epuizati pe ce NU!

Sa avem succes in ramura! :)

PS: si tineti minte un lucru - cabeceo va poate fi prieten. Daca vreti sa dansati cu lideri cu care nu ati mai dansat, testati-i cu cabeceo. E elegant si subtil. Daca accepta, poate ca in tot acest timp cat nu v-a dansat a fost doar timid. Daca nu... e evident ce inseamna si nu va mai stresati cu "de ce nu ma danseaza?"

Cu tot dragul, pe cuvant de cercetas! :*

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Sunt indragostita!


De la prima intalnire – ne-a facut cunostinta un zvapaiat, habar n-avea ce urma sa starneasca... – am stiut ca fiorii si zambetul prostesc de pe fata mea, cauzate de sunetul glasului lui, nu-s trecatoare. In seara aia - sunt ani de-atunci - am zburat spre casa si mi-am petrecut toata noaptea in amintirea gesturilor, sunetelor si prezentei lui. Cred, de fapt stiu cu siguranta, ca nici eu nu realizam cat de profund ma marcase.

Am ramas la fel de indragostita ca atunci chiar daca uneori mai sunt si certuri intre noi... De fapt, trebuie sa recunosc, numai eu ma supar si dau sa plec, nu mai vreau sa-l stiu, sa-l simt, sa-l aud... Mofturi!... Dar stiu ca sunt o norocoasa ca el e foarte intelegator si asteapta sa-mi treaca. Nu m-a certat niciodata! M-a primit inapoi cu bratele deschise si cu aceeasi caldura ca prima oara. 

Am sentimentul ca el ma stie bine, m-a citit cu claritate de la inceput si nu imi ascunde nimic. Mi-e cea mai fidela si realista oglinda, imi pune mereu reflectia in fata fara nici cea mai mica urma de rautate. Ca eu o iau personal si ma ciufulesc... se mai intampla, n-am decat sa-mi asum.

Eu il intuiesc mai mult decat il chiar stiu. Il descopar si redescopar la fiecare intalnire, ma surprinde
mereu, ma incanta si ma vindeca cu fiecare poveste traita in doi. Si-l recunosc nu doar in el, ci mai ales in mine... Nu reusesc sa-i gasesc niciun cusur! Ah, ba da, are unul serios: mi-a creat dependenta. Si chiar si atunci cand imi spun hotarata: Gata! Plec! Sau iau macar o pauza, ca nu mai pot, sunt stoarsa!... chiar si atunci stiu, in sinea mea, profund, ca n-am sa-l pot parasi vreodata.

Abia ce-am trecut printr-o rebeliune la finele anului. Eu, ca de obicei, am vrut sa-mi iau jucariile si sa plec. El n-a zis nimic... Niciodata nu zice nimic. Doar ma imbratiseaza... Si e destul ca sa stiu ca nu voi pleca. Sau chiar daca voi pleca, ma voi intoarce curand si imi va fi bine. Si am plecat – o saptamana am rezistat fara el... Planuisem sa petrecem anul nou impreuna, asa cum am tot facut-o de niste ani, iar acum urma sa fie special. Si nu s-a dezmintit nici de data asta! Mi s-a daruit total si irevocabil, iar eu nici macar nu am avut de ales decat sa fac la fel si noaptea de anul nou imi va ramane – ca multe alte nopti ale noastre – impregnata in piele, in suflet, in toata fiinta!

Si stii ce e ciudat? Ma face sa ma simt bine in alte brate, iar inima zburdalnica se aventureaza uneori catre alte... taramuri. Iar el stie asta. Iar eu nu ma simt vinovata. El e multumit sa fiu eu fericita. Pentru ca pe el am sa-l dansez mereu, indiferent in ce brate. Iar inima mea va fi mereu plina de el, indiferent pe ce taram se afla!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

"Los Vino" - Embrace, connection, caminar... (published in Gancho, November 2014)

I love „Los vino” (Otros Aires)! I’ve been hooked on it for quite a while now. I mean I had it as a ringtone for a year, I get thrilled at the sound of it, or the sound of anything similar... I listened to its lyrics, I know it by heart : ) I dance and sing it anytime and anywhere!

These 2 lines stuck with me from the beginning: 'Su abrazo en mis manos era un pincel/ y la pista un liezo' (her embrace in my arms was like a brush/ and the dance floor a canvas)

How beautiful the idea that she – in his arms – can become the reflection of a painting on the dance floor! So, for a while, in Saturday’s milonga, I’ve watched the feet of the dancers differently, following the beautiful drawings they leave on the floor, the elegance of their sliding, how they complement one another on music…

At one point I remembered that the lyrics say „su abrazo” (her embrace), so it made me think that it’s not the feet, but the embrace that creates this painting on the floor... And that the more authentic, live and vibrant the connection is, the more harmonious, colorful, playful the painting becomes...

Yesterday as I was sitting on a bench in the bus stop, under the moonlight, just after sunset, earplugs on, I hear – by shuffle’s choice – „Los vino”. A smile bloomed on my face and I „disappeared” for a couple of minutes from the station into a perfect dance, somewhere on a wooden dance floor of a fairytale milonga. This time the trigger was another line of the song: 'pero entre tanda y tanda/ dejo su ombligo junto a mi cuerpo' (but between tandas she kept her navel close to my body).

Flash back: year 2009; some tango festival; me – having just entered my second year of tango – am invited to dance; him – an experienced tanguero; me – posing into an innocent „blank mind”-like attitude... : D

I wish I could describe the preparation of the embrace and the creation of the connection! But I could only manage to explain its mechanics and that’s not the point.

I remember these:
- we didn’t step at the first sounds of the song; we just took the time to know each other and we abandoned ourselves to the music and the connection; its preparation and creation forever marked my life as a tanguera
- I felt that all my worries melted in the comfort of the embrace and I surrendered in his arms without any doubt that it was the right thing to do
- the first 2 songs were CAMINAR! What a divine caminar!... the communication was so intense that we didn’t let go of the embrace, not even in between the songs. We just waited patiently, connected heart to heart, to embark on the waves of the next song
- at the end of the tanda he led my back to my seat, me – dizzy and euphoric. I had just finished the tanda of my life so far!

The feeling of pure happiness resembled a lot to the feeling of falling in love (but it’s not that, though…)

Of course, one could „blame it” on his experience...



Something alike just happened to me again a few weeks ago! And this time – surprise! – with a 4 months beginner…

I could smell something from the way he invited me to dance… Ok, I’m kidding! I had no preparation whatsoever for what was going to happen! But I had my first clue as soon as he embraced me. We just stood there during the first sounds, building the connection, calming the emotions. Then we took off to a caminar that was stunningly similar to the one I had imprinted in my memory from that festival back in 2009.

It was an entire tanda of caminar and I dare place it before any other tanda filled with dangerous words like gancho, boleo, planeo, quebrada, cunita, volcada, colgada… : ) For the simple reason that I felt that univers – incredibly comfortable and full of sensations, born from the connection of hearts. I only wish it wouldn’t have been interrupted in between the songs ; )

One thing is certain, though: it really does feel very much like falling in love! : )

And I find that this happiness is one of the most valuable gifts we can give to each other through tango.

And no! It’s not just from... los vino... : )

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My fantasy world (published in Gancho, October 2014)

Tanguera Journal: January 10th, 2008 – Thursday

Yesterday evening I had the tango class! I know I’ve been waiting for it anxiously because it was the first dance class this year! It’s funny…  usually I’m more anxious about the salsa lesson, but since I haven’t been dancing since the middle of December, now even the tango lesson was a reason to be all smiley and happy : )  

But I had no idea it was going to make me so ecstatic… It was AWSOME!! Oh!... I got there at around 6pm, met with the guys – Alex, Mike, Jane, Laura… We had a good laugh, talked about the holidays and stuff. Finally, the teachers – Emily and Joe – came and we began the class. We had our usual warm-up and then Joe said that boys should invite the girls to dance. I was standing (intentionally…) next to Mike… I loooove dancing with him! So, he did invite me! : D We danced for a few songs trying to practice what we’ve learned last year and I must admit I rocked! I’m so modest and all!! : ))

Then the magic happened: Joe showed us a new structure. Emily was busy with some registrations for the salsa congress that they were organizing, so Joe took one of the girls to show us, but she didn’t manage to follow… she’s new… So he turned to me and asked if I can help him. He’s never done that before! I felt important, but a little scared, too (I didn’t show that!). I did good, though, and Joe said that I must’ve done something during the holidays that I became such a good follower… Hihihi… But he was right! I mean I had big problems following before, and now, I don’t know what happened, it felt so easy. Maybe the break helped all the information settle in. Who knows?

After he showed the structure he told everyone to try it with music and he came back to me and said “Let’s see how you do on music” and we danced an entire song! That was another first : ) But the way we danced… that was the big surprise! I mean, he did stuff he never taught us before, stuff that I didn’t know my legs could do! And it was all so… I don’t know… connected and  fluid and... dreamy! 

I went home after that and began to look up videos on YouTube about and with tango. I lost myself in them until morning almost. I think it was 4am when I realized how late it was and I had to wake up this morning to go to work. But right now I don’t even feel tired and I still have that big kinda stupid smile on my face…  I have a very strange feeling, like when you’re in love and it’s so good! I don’t want to lose it. It’s enough to close my eyes and remember the dance from last night and it all comes back: the ecstatic feeling, the smile, that other world I’d discovered. I want to jump up and down with joy, but I’m at work, so I really can’t. So play another tango and just let my imagination do what I saw in all those videos last night. 

I feel like I’ve just discovered my fantasy world! : )